Unmasking Corporate Misconduct

Evil Corporations: Exposing Greed, One Lawsuit at a Time

Join us in our mission to hold corporations accountable for their actions. Discover the truth behind the headlines and become part of the change.

Our Mission

Evil-Corporations.com is dedicated to uncovering and exposing the unethical practices of corporations worldwide. Our mission is to shine a light on corporate misconduct, from environmental destruction to labor violations, to financial fraud and to hold these entities accountable through detailed investigations and legal scrutiny.

We believe in the power of transparency and the importance of informed citizens. By providing access to legal documents, press releases, and investigative reports, we empower our readers to understand the full scope of corporate malfeasance and to take action against it.

Why Accountability Matters

Environmental Pollution

Corporations often prioritize profit over the planet, leading to environmental degradation. We expose these actions to promote sustainable practices.

Labor Rights

From unsafe working conditions to unfair wages, labor violations are rampant. We shed light on these issues to advocate for workers’ rights.

Consumer Protection

Misleading advertising and harmful products put consumers at risk. People literally die because some stupid item they bought was shoddily made.

Financial Fraud

Corporate fraud and financial misconduct undermine trust in the market and deletes the life savings of normal people like you and I.

Community Impact

Corporate actions can have devastating effects on local communities. We highlight these impacts to foster corporate responsibility.

Data & Privacy

You deserve to have your private information kept private. Do you want suspicious strangers gaining access to your medical history? I thought not.

Our Focus Areas


We uncover and report on corporations causing significant harm to our planet through pollution, deforestation, and other destructive practices.


Misleading marketing hurts consumers by tricking us into buying products or services that don’t live up to the advertised claims. 


Corporations exploit workers, violating labor rights, underpaying employees, and perpetuating unsafe working conditions, undermining societal equity.


Financial deceit by firms manipulates markets, erodes investor trust, distorts economic systems, and causes widespread financial harm.


Corporations mishandle personal data, breaching trust and exposing individuals to identity theft and undue surveillance.



Companies compromise on product safety, risking consumer health and safety, undermining public confidence in market regulations.

Latest Corporate Misconducts

Whiskey Business | Beam Suntory

There’s nothing like a glass of whiskey to unwind after a long day. But what if that sip of Beam Suntory came with a side of corruption? In an interconnected world, corporate actions in one country can send shockwaves across borders. When Beam Suntory paid bribes to...

Corpus Christi’s Silent Struggle Against Industrial Waste

Six miles west of downtown Corpus Christi lies an industrial graveyard, a site where waste from the oil boom was buried beneath layers of sand and soil. But the earth has not forgotten. At the Brine Service Company Superfund Site, pollutants like benzene, chromium,...

The $218 Million Fine and Its Global Fallout | Albemarle

You’ve heard of lithium — the stuff that powers your phone, your laptop, and maybe even your car. But what you might not know is how one of the biggest suppliers of this precious metal, Albemarle Corporation, got to the top of the industry. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t by...

How a Once-Thriving Plant Left a Small Town with a Toxic Legacy

The Shenango River flows quietly through Sharon, Pennsylvania. Its waters reflecting the leaves and sky like a placid mirror. But beneath the surface, it carries a far darker history—one tainted with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that once leaked into the ecosystem...

Gunvor’s $661 Million Reckoning with Justice

As the sun rose over the Andean peaks on a crisp morning in 2012, few could have predicted that the deals being struck in Quito's corridors of power would lead to one of the most significant corporate corruption cases of the decade. The stage was set for a drama that...

Goldman Sachs x 1MDB

In the world of high finance, where the stakes are as lofty as the skyscrapers of Manhattan, Goldman Sachs stands as a titan, revered for its acumen yet shadowed by controversy. The narrative of Goldman Sachs, particularly between 2009 and 2014, intertwines ambition...

Tysers Insurance Brokers and their Ecuadorian Crisis

So, here’s a story that’s got all the elements of a thriller: corporate greed, international intrigue, and a whole lot of shady dealings. Tysers Insurance Brokers Limited, a name that might not ring a bell for most, has found itself tangled in a scandal involving...

Cobb Tuning sold defeat devices to poison our air

For years, Cobb Tuning engineered ways to enhance vehicle performance, but their latest innovation wasn't just about speed—it was about sidestepping the law. This technical breakdown explains how their defeat devices work, and how Cobb's products put them in the...

The Hidden Cost of Enterprise Software | SAP SE ERP

When we place our trust in technology providers, we expect more than just functional software—we expect integrity. Yet SAP SE, one of the largest providers of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, has shattered this expectation, embroiling itself in a scandal of...

Taishin Securities Hit with $200,000 Fine for Wash Trades

A $17 million market manipulation scheme, 50 wash trades, and one $200,000 fine — that's the fallout last week as the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission took action against Taishin Securities. The Taiwanese financial services company was charged with violating...
Whiskey Business | Beam Suntory

Whiskey Business | Beam Suntory

There’s nothing like a glass of whiskey to unwind after a long day. But what if that sip of Beam Suntory came with a side of corruption? In an interconnected world, corporate actions in one country can send shockwaves across borders. When Beam Suntory paid bribes to...

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