For years, Cobb Tuning engineered ways to enhance vehicle performance, but their latest innovation wasn’t just about speed—it was about sidestepping the law. This technical breakdown explains how their defeat devices work, and how Cobb’s products put them in the spotlight of a major environmental scandal.

These devices, small but consequential in their engineering, are alleged to bypass or disable essential emissions control systems that the EPA mandates for motor vehicles. This practice allowed vehicles equipped with such parts to pass emissions inspections while still spewing pollutants at levels that would otherwise fail these same tests. This breach not only represents a direct violation of the Clean Air Act but also an affront to the principles of fair competition and environmental responsibility.

Do you remember Volkswagen’s DieselGate from late 2015? It’s similar to that.

The ramifications of such actions extend far beyond the confines of Cobb Tuning’s operation. Environmentally, the introduction of these defeat devices into the market significantly exacerbated local air pollution. This form of pollution, laden with nitrogen oxides and particulate matter, contributes to a myriad of public health crises, from asthma and respiratory diseases to cardiovascular problems. Each device sold not only represented a potential health risk but also an erosion of air quality standards that had been the result of decades of advocacy and scientific research.

Economically, Cobb Tuning’s practices distorted the competitive landscape of the automotive parts industry. By sidestepping regulatory costs, Cobb was able to offer its products at prices that competitors, who adhered to legal standards, could not match. This unfair advantage undermines the market’s integrity and penalizes companies that invest in environmentally sound technologies.

The social impact is equally icky. In communities where these devices were prevalent, trust in both the automotive industry and environmental regulatory bodies has been eroded. The breach of such trust is particularly damaging in areas with existing environmental justice concerns—communities already disproportionately burdened by pollution and associated health risks.

Moreover, the scandal has the potential to ignite a broader debate on corporate responsibility and governance, as stakeholders should demand greater transparency and accountability from companies at the forefront of technological advancement.

In response to these allegations, a consent decree has been proposed, outlining a series of corrective and punitive measures. Cobb Tuning is required to stop all sales of the implicated defeat devices, recall those already in circulation, and pay substantial penalties—a financial mea culpa aimed at funding environmental restoration projects and reinforcing the regulatory framework.

Additionally, the decree mandates a rigorous compliance plan to prevent future violations, including regular audits and public reporting of emissions data.

Cobb Tuning’s website is:

They apparently have merch to?

Not entirely sure who would love this company so much to buy one of their shirts, but go off king 👑